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You are here: Home » Technology » Surface Finishing » Powder Coating

Why powder coat?

Powder coating produces a high specification coating which is relatively hard, abrasion resistant (depending on the specification) and tough. Thin powder coatings can be bent but this is not recommended for exterior applications.

Powder coatings can be applied over a wide range of thickness. The new Australian Standard, "AS/NZS 4506 - Thermoset powder coatings", will recommend 25 micron minimum for mild interior applications and up to 60 micron minimum for exterior applications. Care must be exercised when quoting minimum thickness because some powder will not give "coverage" below 60 or even 80 micron. "Coverage" is the ability to cover the colour of the metal with the powder. Some of the white colours require about 75 micron to give full "coverage". One of the orange colours must be applied at 80 micron.

Colour matching is quite acceptable batch to batch.

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